By participating in Smash ry's coaching session, the player/player's guardian accepts and agrees to adhere to the following coaching terms:



Approximately one week before the season begins, we will send a newsletter via email to all confirmed participants once the groups are published, viewable on TennisClub under Coaching / My Groups. Players who were not initially included will be notified separately via email.



Coaching sessions will be held at the Smash Center, Varikkotie 4 (approximately 500 meters from Itäkeskus metro station and 15 minutes from Rautatientori). The coaching season is from Mon 12.8.2024 to Sun 1.6.2025.

By registering for Smash's junior coaching, the player commits to participating throughout the entire indoor season 2024-2025, continuing in the same groups during the spring season without separate notification. Groups may be adjusted as needed (coach determines the appropriate level for the player), but no one will be moved to a new group without consultation and notification.



Each of the player's weekly practice sessions corresponds to one coaching spot. For example, if a player practices once a week, they have one coaching spot. Similarly, a player who practices three times a week has three coaching spots, and so on.



Smash ry reserves the right to discontinue a coaching group. The possible discontinuation of a group will be communicated to players at least 21 days before the group's final coaching session. Players from discontinued groups will be relocated to other groups where possible.



Coaching sessions are normally held on all holidays except Christmas (23.12.2024-1.1.2025), Easter (18.4.-21.4.2025), and May Day (1.5.2025).

Additionally, there will be a break during the winter holiday from 15.2.2025 to 22.2.2025.

Coaching will be provided during school autumn break, Independence Day on 6.12., Epiphany on 6.1., and Ascension Day on 29.5.

Smash ry reserves the right to make group changes during public holidays.



Billing is based on the spot allocated in the designated coaching group and the number of coaching sessions since the player joined—not individual participations. Fall coaching sessions are billed in two installments, and spring sessions are billed in two installments. Invoices will be sent to the email address provided on the registration form (for communication and billing purposes). The billing email should be that of the guardian. Participation in coaching requires the prior settlement of coaching fees.

Billing occurs at the end of each period.

The season fee comprises billing periods (Note: also refer to "Termination of Coaching Mid-Season"):

Period 1: 12.8.2024 - 13.10.2024

Period 2: 14.10.2024 - 22.12.2024

Period 3: 2.1.2025 - 16.3.2025

Period 4: 17.3.2025 – 1.6.2025




When a new player participates in a level test for a specific group, the test is free if it is determined that the group is not suitable for the player and no other suitable group places are available. This also means that the player may not necessarily continue the entire session (most practices, however, are based on paired practice and are chargeable for those already in the group). There is a maximum of 2 trial sessions in different groups. If the player's level allows them to participate in the entire practice hour and the group place or another group place in coaching is agreed upon as a regular spot for the player after the level test, the first session (trial session) will also be billed.



If more than one junior from the same family participates in Smash ry's season coaching, the family is entitled to a sibling discount.

In families entitled to a sibling discount, the highest-paying participant pays the full coaching fee, and subsequent siblings receive a 10% discount on coaching fees.



Participation in coaching requires membership in Smash ry. Participants are enrolled as members of Smash ry if they are not already members. Participants in coaching do not need to apply for membership separately.

New junior participants pay half of the 2024 annual membership fee, €10.00 (full year €20.00) at the first autumn practice fee and commit to following Smash ry's coaching and billing terms. The 2025 membership fee will be invoiced according to the club's normal practice, and no part of it will be refunded, even if the participant terminates coaching during 2025.

Membership continues until terminated in writing either with the termination of coaching using the coaching termination form via email to smash@smash.fi or by mail to the Smash office at Smash ry, Varikkotie 4, 00900 Helsinki. The resigning member is obligated to pay the membership fee for that year. Termination of coaching does not automatically terminate membership in the club, but when resigning from coaching, one can also indicate if they do not wish to continue membership the following year. Membership remains valid until the end of the calendar year after termination.

Termination cannot be made verbally or in writing to the coach or cashier.



Players are responsible for maintaining their name and contact information. Contact information changes are primarily made by logging into the TennisClub system under the "My Details" tab. Contact information changes can also be reported by sending an email to smash@smash.fi.



For continuous absences lasting at least 4 weeks, players must notify and send a medical certificate to the adult coaching head coach Julia Vedenoja at julia.vedenoja@smash.fi. Such an absence of at least 4 weeks from coaching will be taken into account in billing against a two-week self-insured period from the date of notification. Two self-insured sessions are marked as absences for which the player can try to find replacement sessions. Individual absences are not considered in billing.


If the absence is expected to last longer than 4 weeks:

- The player must pay the coaching fee normally from the 4th week onwards if they wish to retain their spot.

- The player may also choose to withdraw from coaching entirely at the start of the absence after sending the medical certificate (where the spot can be offered to others), paying only the two-week self-insured period. After recovering, the player may attempt to return to coaching groups through the waiting list maintained by the adult coaching head coach.

Badminton junior coaching at Smash utilizes a compensation system, which is part of the TennisClub system. More information about the compensation system and its operation can be found on the Compensation Session System page. During the fall season, up to 5 sessions can be stored,


 and during the spring season, up to 6 sessions can be stored. In June groups, up to 2 absences can be stored. Absences must be entered into the compensation system in advance, at least 12 hours before the practice session. Compensation sessions can be reserved using the compensation system.

Accumulated compensation session balances can be used throughout the 2024-2025 season. Compensation session balances reset before the 2025-2026 season.

Smash ry is not obligated to compensate for unused coaching sessions, nor will they be reimbursed monetarily.

Note: The compensation system is an additional service and does not guarantee the compensation of all absences.


LINK TO COMPENSATION SYSTEM: [Link to Compensation System](https://tennisclub.fi/pelaaja/site/login)



Termination of coaching mid-season must be done in writing by completing the coaching termination form. Termination becomes effective at the end of the ongoing billing period.

Termination of coaching does not automatically terminate membership in Smash ry, but when resigning from coaching, one can also indicate if they do not wish to continue membership the following year.

If the player retains at least one coaching spot for the season, an email notice to the head coach is sufficient for terminating other coaching spots (where billing for those coaching spots ends at the end of the billing period).


Billing periods and last termination days for billing periods:

Period 1: 12.8.2024 - 13.10.2024 (last withdrawal date from Period 1 is 31.7.2024)

Period 2: 14.10.2024 - 22.12.2024 (termination from Period 2 must be done by 16.9.2024)

Period 3: 2.1.2025 - 16.3.2025 (termination from Period 3 must be done by 2.12.2024)

Period 4: 17.3.2025 – 1.6.2025 (termination from Period 4 must be done by 17.2.2025)

FIND THE TERMINATION FORM: [Termination Form](link)



If a player does not want their photographs used on Smash's website or publications, they must inform Smash ry at smash@smash.fi or indicate "NO" under the photography consent section in TennisClub's personal information.



The email of the coaching participant will be added to Smash ry's electronic newsletter and communication distribution list unless the player explicitly declines. Electronic newsletters and communications, along with the website, are essential channels for Smash ry's coaching information, so it is important to provide an email address that is checked regularly. Providing a phone number also greatly assists in cases such as sudden coach absence.



Each player is responsible for informing the coach about their health status if it could affect their ability to perform all exercises fully. Each player must acquire their own insurance; Smash ry does not insure participants in practice sessions.



In group coaching, we cannot accommodate individual player needs requiring special assistance/attendants.



The group will primarily be coached by the assigned coach.

In case of illness, a single practice may be conducted where one coach supervises two adjacent groups of the same level.



Players must treat their fellow players and coach respectfully. Swearing, throwing rackets, and other inappropriate behaviors are prohibited. If a player's actions cause damage to the court surface or other property, they are obligated to compensate for the damages.

The club reserves the right to deny a participant's participation in coaching if disruptive behavior persists despite interventions. The first instance of disruptive behavior results in a warning, a second instance in a written warning, and subsequent incidents result in exclusion from coaching until the end of the ongoing fall/spring/summer season. If a player's conduct is exceptionally severe, the club reserves the right to terminate the coaching agreement immediately for a fixed or indefinite period. Coaching fees will not be credited for that period.



If we must abruptly interrupt a group coaching session due to reasons beyond the club's control (e.g., power outage in the facility), the coaching session will not be financially compensated. The interrupted session will either be compensated by adding balance to the compensation system (where applicable) or by arranging replacement practices at a later announced time.



The coaching language is Finnish. If English is the coaching language in the group, this will be explicitly mentioned.


Smash ry reserves the right to change coaching terms, even during the season. In such cases, changes will be communicated on the website and through a collective notice to all coaching participants.